

Export,Product Quality and Labor Income Share
摘要 根据Stolper-Samuelson定理,作为劳动力丰裕型经济体的中国,伴随着出口的日渐增长,劳动收入占比应有所提高,然而中国却出现了与Stolper-Samuelson定理相悖的现象。有鉴于此,本文基于企业层面数据,在考虑产品质量的基础上,以省级面板数据为研究对象,从全国、东部、西部和中部四个层面就出口对中国劳动收入占比的影响进行了实证分析。研究发现:全国层面出现有悖于Stolper-Samuelson定理的现象,主要原因来自于东部和中部的推动,而西部地区的出口符合Stolper-Samuelson定理。 According to Stolper-Samuelson Theory, China, as a country with richness of labor resources and with the increasingof export, should raise her labor income share but emerges the phenomena with the paradox to Stolper-Samuelson Theory. There-fore, based on enterprise-level data and the consideration of product quality, this paper takes provincial panel data as researchobject, conducts empirical analysis of the influence of export on the labor income share from such four levels as nationwide, eastpart of China, west part of China and middle part of China, and the research finds that the reason for the nationwide phenomenaof the paradox to Stolper-Samuelson Theory mainly emanates from the propelling in east and middle part of China, however, theexport in west part of China is consistent with Stolper-Samuelson Theory.
作者 刘慧
出处 《重庆工商大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期36-44,共9页 Journal of Chongqing Technology and Business University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71303219) 浙江省社科规划项目(12JCJJ04YB) 浙江省社会科学联合界项目(2011N076)
关键词 出口 产品质量 劳动收入占比 export product quality labor income share
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