

Impact of the Concept of Crime in the Soviet Era on A. H. Трайнин's Theory of the Elements of Crime
摘要 特拉伊宁的犯罪构成学说对中国影响十分深远,而苏俄的犯罪概念,乃至此前沙皇俄国时期的犯罪概念都是特拉伊宁犯罪构成学说形成的重要前提。尤其是苏俄时期的犯罪概念,在很大程度上塑造了特拉伊宁的理论。苏俄时期立法机关、刑法学界均对犯罪概念进行了长期讨论,最终形成了以犯罪本质即社会危害性为特征的实质概念,其中刑事违法性特征居于次要地位。在缺少罪刑法定原则制约的背景下,特拉伊宁在实质犯罪概念的框架之下建立起形式与实质相统一的犯罪构成理论,从而使苏俄践行法制原则成为可能。 A. H. Трайнин's theory of the elements of crime is influential in China. The concept of crime in the Soviet era and the concept of crime in Tsarist Russia were both important foundations for Трайнин's theory of the elements of crime.The concept of crime in the Soviet era,especially,shaped Трайнин's theory to a great extent. Legislatures and criminal law scholars in the Soviet era discussed the concept of crime at length and the concept of substance featuring the substance of crime,i. e.,social harm,eventually emerged,with criminal illegality playing a secondary role.In the absence of nulla poena sine lege,Трайнинestablished a theory of the elements of crime unifying form and substance in the framework of the concept of the substance of crime and make it possible for the Soviet Union to promote the rule of law.
作者 米铁男
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第8期17-24,161-162,共8页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 犯罪形式概念 犯罪实质概念 犯罪构成 特拉伊宁 concept of the form of crime concept of the substance of crime elements of crime A.H.Трайнин
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