
中文媒体与华人移民的文化身份构建:澳大利亚的经验! 被引量:4

Chinese-language Media and the Construction of Cultural Identity of Chinese Immigrants: A Case Study on Australia
摘要 随着澳大利亚的华人移民群体的发展,澳大利亚的中文媒体也获得了很大的发展。时至今日,澳大利亚中文媒体不但对当地华人的文化身份和社区意识的确立,对华人在多元文化政策主导下的和谐生存和发展起了重要作用;同时,也为连接新老移民间的文化和社会关系,为维系和弘扬中华文化发挥了难以替代的作用。在澳大利亚,中文媒体已经成为汉语国际传播最重要的渠道,而澳大利亚中文媒体中的中国各地地方媒体的合作版,更为"中国声音"的即时传播和华人乡土认同的维系提供了有效的经验。 Along with the increase of Chinese immigrants in Australia,the Chinese-language media in Australia have been developed. Up to now,the Chinese-language media in Australia have played an important role in the establishment of the cultural identity and community consciousness of Australian Chinese,as well as in the harmonious life and development of oversea Chinese under the guidance of multi-culture policy. Meanwhile,they have played an irreplaceable role in the cultural and social ties of new and old immigrants,and in inheriting and developing Chinese culture. In Australia,the Chinese-language media have become the most important channel to propagate Chinese language internationally. The cooperation between local media across China and the Chinese-language media in Australia provides realtime broadcasting of'Chinese voice'and consequently forms a stronger identity of hometown for oversea Chinese.
作者 陈弘
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期144-150,156,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 澳大利亚 中文媒体 华人移民 社区语言 汉语国际传播 乡土认同 Australia,Chinese-language media,Chinese immigrants
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