
试论当今世界男子跳马的发展特征——兼论中外优秀男子跳马选手的水平 被引量:4

Development Characteristics of Today's World Men's Vault——With A Discussion on the Competitive Level of Chinese and Foreign Elite Male Vaulting Athletes
摘要 以第44届体操世锦赛和伦敦奥运会跳马决赛选手为主要研究对象,以第12届全运会跳马决赛选手为辅助研究对象,运用录像观察法、文献法、数理统计法和比较法等研究方法,对当今世界男子跳马的动作难度、动作形式和动作完成质量等3方面的发展特征进行了研究,并对中外优秀男子跳马选手的水平进行了比较。结论:1)里约奥运周期世界男子跳马的平均D分接近6分,动作难度没有因为规则调整和选手更新换代而降低;中外选手的难度没有显著性差异;获得奖牌选手的最高难度和平均难度还有望继续提升,亚洲选手的动作难度占有优势。2)欧美男子跳马选手多选用多周空翻(及其转体)类型动作,亚洲选手多选用多周转体类型动作,两者有互相借鉴、均衡发展的趋势;踺子上板类动作较少,仅占20%,此类动作难度价值较高,有进一步提升的空间;我国选手80%为多周转体类型动作,应适当调整动作类型。3)中外优秀男子跳马选手的动作完成质量有显著性差异,中国选手动作质量较差,继续提高质量的空间较大。动作质量主要应改进身体姿势和落地稳定性,中国选手还应提高第2腾空的高度。为我国男子体操队备战里约奥运会提供理论支持,对于中国男子跳马的发展具有重要意义。 This paper regards the men's vault finalists of the 44th World Gynmastics Championship and London O- lympic Games as the main research objects, and regards the men's vault finalists of the 12th National Sports as as- sistant research objects. By the methods of video observation, literature review, mathenlatieal statistics and com- parison method, this paper analyzed movenlent difficulty, movenlent form and movenlent quality- in today's world men's vault and compared the competition level of the male elite vaulters athletes between China and other coun- tries. Conclusions : 1 ) The average difficulty of world men's vault is close to 6 points in the Rio De Janeiro Olym- pic cycle, and movement difficulty- has not reduced as the rule adjustment and athletes upgrade. There is no sig- nificant difference between the Chinese and foreign athletes in difficulty. The highest difficulty and average diffi- culty of athletes who won medals are expected to continue improving and Asian players have the advantage. 2 ) Most European and American athletes use many-circle somersaults action, Asian players prefer the many-circle turns action. Both of them learn from each other and have a balanced development. The only 20% usage round-off entry- vault has a further room for improvement. Eighty- percent of Chinese athletes choose the many-circle turns ac- tion, which movement type should be adjusted properly. 3 ) There are significant differences of movement quality between Chinese and foreign athletes. Chinese athletes are ilfferior in movement quality-, and they have a large room to improve. The improvement mainly focuses on gesture and landing stability-, and Chinese athletes should also improve the height of the second suspension. This study provides a theoretical support for Chinese men's gym- nasties team to prepare for the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games, and also it's significant for developing Chinesemen's vault.
作者 关朝阳
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第7期131-135,共5页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 2010年度河南省科技攻关重点项目"现代竞技体操动作的发展与创新"(编号:102102310157)部分研究成果
关键词 第44届世界体操锦标赛 男子跳马 动作难度 动作类型 动作质量 the 44th World Gynmastics Championship men's vault movenlent difficulty movenlent type move-ment quality
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