
商法语境下亚太商贸规则一体化思辨 被引量:1

Reflection on Integration of Commercial and Trade Rules in Asia-Pacific Region
摘要 随着国际商贸的中心由大西洋地区转向太平洋地区,亚太商贸规则一体化建构被提上日程。从理论上思辨,规则本土观是经济转型时期中国学者在信息不充分条件下的次优选择,而规则统一观是经济全球化时期商贸社会的最优选择,在马克思经典著作中我们找到了表征世界精神的现实承载体,即全球化的商贸精神。从实践上思辨,围绕亚太经合组织的贸物目标,亚太各国相继形成了东盟路径(RCEP)与美国路径(TPP),然而上述两条进路在通往对亚太整体更为有利的亚太自由贸易协定(FTAAP)的过程中,却存在"囚徒困境"、"集体行动困境"以及"面碗困境"。从方法上思辨,应当建构起开放、平等的统一平台,渐进、灵活的统一路径,以及渊源于商贸习惯的统一示范法。 Along with the international commercial and trade center turning from the Atlantic area to the Pacific region,the integration construction of the Asia-Pacific commercial and trade rules has been put on the agenda. In theory,local rule theory was Chinese scholars’inferior alternatives during economy transition,based on the condition of inadequate information.However,china has now come into a new period of economic globalization in which unified rule theory is the optimal choice.In the Marxist classics,we found the real body on behalf of the world spirit,namely global commercial and trade spirit.In practice,under the APEC Bogor Declaration,all countries in Asia-Pacific had launched ASEAN path (RCEP)and USA path (TPP),but these ways leading to the FTAAP had encountered some problems like “Prisoner’s Dilemma”,“Collective Action Paradox”and“Spaghetti Bowl Effect”.In method,we should construct an open and equal unified platform,the gradual and flexible unified path,and the unified model law originated from commercial and trade habits.
作者 马俊彦
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 2014年第5期10-22,共13页 Pacific Journal
关键词 亚太地区 商贸规则 一体化 统一规则 Asia-Pacific region commercial and trade rules integration unification rule
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