
我国高等教育质量保障的历程、挑战与展望 被引量:3

Progress,Challenge and Prospects of the Quality Assurance System of Higher Education in China
摘要 我国高等教育质量保障随同高等教育快速发展的步伐,先后经历了合格评估、优秀评估、随机性水平评估和水平评估四种形式,基本形成了我国特色的评估制度,正逐步向规范化、科学化、专业化和制度化阶段发展。虽然首轮评估"意义重大,成绩显著",但存在"评估结果与现实矛盾"等诸多问题以及政府强权模式占主导地位等挑战。论文认为,我国高等教育质量保障的最终目的就是提高高等教育质量、"推动高等教育内涵式发展"。站在未来与历史的节点上,中国高等教育质量保障既不应是中国独有的评估现象,也不应是西方的机械翻版,我们应聚焦于"为教育而评估"的质量保障观、建立国家教育质量标准体系等四个方向求发展。 With the quick developing pace of higher education in China,the quality assurance of Chinese higher education has experienced four evaluation forms:“pass evaluation”,“excellence evaluation”,“random evaluation”and “level evaluation”.These formed the evaluation system of China’s higher education with its typical Chinese characteristics,and this has developed into standardization,specialization and institutionaliza-tion.Although the 1st-cycle evaluation is “of great significance and remarkable achievements”,there exist many problems such as “the contradiction between the evaluation results and reality”,as well as the challenges of the government-dominated evaluation mode and others.The present paper holds that the ultimate goal of the quality assurance of Chinese higher education is to improve the quality of higher education and “promote the de-velopment of connotative model of higher education.”Standing on the node of the future and the history,the quality assurance of Chinese higher education should be neither the unique evaluation phenomenon in China, nor a mechanical version of the western model,we should focus on four aspects such as the quality assurance concept of “evaluation for education,”establishing a national standard system of education quality and others.
作者 张建新
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期75-80,共6页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 云南省教育厅基金重点项目"云南省高职教育多样化与分类评估研究"(2013Z054) 云南省高等职业教育教学研究项目"MOOC时代下云南高职院校网络教学资源建设 运行机制与共享策略研究"
关键词 高等教育 质量保障 评估 质量保障观 内涵式发展 higher education quality assurance(QA) evaluation concept of quality assurance development of connotative model
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