

Study on Bivariate Optimization for Stator Slots Number in High-speed Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor
摘要 为研究高速永磁无刷直流电动机的槽数优化选择问题,通过有限元分析方法分别建立不同定子槽数电机模型,从转子涡流损耗和抗电枢去磁能力两方面分析不同定子槽数对高速无刷直流电动机性能的影响,提出基于双变量的槽数优化目标函数,得到21槽的分数槽优化设计方案。仿真和样机制作证实了目标函数所得到的分数槽结果在高速无刷直流电机定子槽数选择中的合理性。研究结果为高速永磁无刷直流电机定子槽数选择提供了理论依据与方法。 To study the optimization problem in selection of slot number for high-speed permanent magnet brushless DC motor( BLDCM),properly selecting the stator slot number,this paper established finite element analysis( FEA) models based on different stator slot numbers. Aiming at rotor eddy-current loss and armature reaction demagnetization,the bivariate optimizing objective function for stator slot number was proposed. The 21 stator slots structure was selected as the optimal result,and the FEA simulation and prototype verified the reasonability of this fractional-slot stator structure that this function concluded. The results provide theory basis and method for selection of slot number in high-speed permanent magnet BLDCM design.
作者 陈曦 韦忠朝
出处 《微电机》 北大核心 2014年第7期5-9,共5页 Micromotors
关键词 高速无刷直流电动机 有限元分析 槽数优化 high-speed BLDCM FEA slot number optimization
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