Global GDP growth is gaining traction, but China remains the wild card. The recovery in the advanced economies continues to strengthen as fi scal consolidation is slowing down and investors are less worried about the debt situation. BIMCO believes that the level of Capesize TC average rates will stay around USD 12,000-22,000 per day. Panamax TC average rates will feel the supply pressureand stay around USD 4,000-9,000 per day. For the Supramax segment, BIMCO forecasts freight rates in the USD 7,000-12,000 per day interval, whereas Handysize freight rates are expected around USD 6,000-8,500 per day.During the past eighteen months, a couple of trends seem clear inthe freight market for container shipping. Primarily, the demand for imported containerised goods in Europe and US is going up,reflecting the clearly improved economic development. Secondly,the vessels become larger and larger as the quest to lower unit costsis high on the agenda everywhere. Thirdly, the major freight ratevolatility is mostly on European-bound containers.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly