In 2013, with the effect of the weak economy, the development of China paper industry met a lot of difficulties. The polarized listed paper conpanies was shaped because of the complex macro-environment and fierce market competition. Parts of the listed paper companies got postive achievement with the goal of transition and upgrade; but the other part of the listed paper companies were suffering with the negative achievement because of the backward managementsystem or the faults in decision-making.From 2012, CPPI annually makes a special topic on bluebook of t he listed paper companies, and it has lasted for two years. T he blueb o ok m a i n ly i nt ro d u c e s t he development situation of the listed paper companies in the stock markets of Shanghai and Shenzhen. The bluebook special topic of 2014 will be divided into two parts, from the views of company and persons. We hope the readers can know accurately about the whole situation of China paper industry accoring to the bluebook. You can read the fi rst part from the company view in this issue.
China Pulp & Paper Industry