
具有优越陷波选择性和带宽的超宽带缝隙天线 被引量:4

UWB slot antenna with superior band-notched selectivity
摘要 提出一种具有改善陷波特性的超宽带缝隙天线,该天线由T形微带枝节馈电的矩形缝隙天线来实现超宽频阻抗带宽,由嵌入在T形枝节上的1 4波长缝隙和地板上的一对1 4波长的缝隙构成两阶滤波器,实现陷波优越的选择形和带宽特性。另外,可以通过调整所嵌入的缝隙的宽度和位置来调节陷波的带宽。该天线具有较好的全向辐射特性,可以应用在各种超宽带通信系统中。 A UWB slot antenna with the improved band-notched characteristics is presented. A rectangular slot antenna fed by a T-shaped micro-strip stub is adopted in the antenna to realize an UWD impedance matching bandwidth. The second-order notch filter is composed of a pair of 1/4 wavelength slits embedded on the ground and a 1/4 wavelength slit on the T-shaped stub to achieve superior trap selection and bandwidth characteristics. Moreover,the band-notched bandwidth can be controlled by ad-justing the position and width of the silts. The proposed antenna has a nearly omni-directional radiation characteristics,and can be applied to various portable UWB antennas.
作者 张涌萍 杨汝
出处 《现代电子技术》 2014年第15期86-88,93,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
基金 广州对外科技合作专项(2013J4500029)
关键词 超宽带天线 双陷波特性 缝隙天线 可控陷波带宽 ultra-wideband antenna dual-band-notched characteristic slot antenna controllable notched bandwidth
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