A case of amyotrophic cervical spondylosis was healed by using acupuncture in combination with electroacupuncture, needling was carried out on fengchi(风池 GB 20), Tianzhu (天柱 BE 10), Dazhui (大椎 GV 14), Jianjing (肩井GB 21), Zhiyang (至阳 GV 9), Jianzhen (肩贞SI 9), Jianyu (肩髃 El 15), Shousanli (手三里LI 10), Houxi (后溪SI 3), Kunlun (昆仑 BE 60) and Shugu (束骨 BL 65). BL 10 on the left side and LI 10 on the right side, GB 20 on the right side and GV 9 were connected for electroacupuncture, once a day, 12 treatments as one treatment course, a interval of 5 days was set between two treatment courses, and totally 6 treatment courses were carried out. The patient was clinically healed after the treatment and the disease did not recur during the follow-up for six months.