
公共图书馆在城市多元化发展中的作用——以广州图书馆多元文化服务为例 被引量:2

The role of public libraries about developing Multicultural Services in a Metropolitan——A Case Study of the Development of Multicultural Services at the Guangzhou Public Library
摘要 大数据时代的来临,带来经济全球化、信息资源的快速膨胀,每个国家和城市都无法在单一文化中持续发展,发展多元文化势在必行。认识多元文化、传播多元文化是当下图书馆人值得深思的内容。围绕公共图书馆如何在城市多元化发展中发挥积极作用,如何在多元文化的背景下不断创新服务样式,并以广州图书馆多元文化建设为例,深入探讨多元文化的服务理念、时代特点以及组织形式等关键问题,并提出几点思考。 The Economic globalization and the rapid expansion of information resources caused by big data era, every country and city are not in the single culture in sustainable development, the development of multicultural be imperative.Understanding of multiculturalism, communicating that is the librarians to thought-provoking content at present.This article focuses on the public library in the city how to play a positive role in the development of diversification,how to innovate the service style in a multicultural context, with the construction of multicultural Guangzhou library as an example, in-depth discussion on the key problems of multicultural service concept, the characteristics of the times and the form of organization, and put forward some thinking.
作者 蒋莹
机构地区 广州图书馆
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2014年第8期161-164,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 公共图书馆 多元文化 多元化服务 Public library Multicultural Multicultural service
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