Historical land-use and land-cover changes caused by human activities during thelast three centuries have been regarded as one of the five key frame issues in the LUCCproject. China, with a history of 5000 years, has had its population boom ever since the earlyQing Dynasty (around AD1700), and unprecedented development of national agriculturalreclamation had started, left China as one of areas with rapid land-use and land-coverchanges. Currently, there are two global historical land use datasets, generally referred as the'RF datasets' and 'HYDE database', but at the zonal level, these global datasets are widelydoubted with coarse resolution and inevitable errors. Academics have tried to reconstructChina's historical land-use and land-cover both quantitatively and spatially, but there areremarkable differences in their results, thus bringing troubles to relevant researches. Since thequantity forms the backbone of cropland restructuring, this paper grounded itself on China'shistorical records and related research achievements, and reconstructed China's provincialcropland data at the modem boundaries from 1661 to 1985, using a variety of methods basedon resources and population, such as factor revision, man-land relationship test, andreclamation trend examination, etc. Our results differ less from HYDE, CHCD and Zhangwith an average difference rate of less than 15%. But at the provincial level, our results arecloser to CHCD, with 22% of provinces' average difference rate being over 30%. Butsignificant diversities were found in a few provinces and further researches are needed. Thenwe analyzed China's cropland growth process and regional change characteristics. The resultsshow that ever since the population boom in the Qing Dynasty, China's cropland trebled from42.4x10^6 ha in the early Qing Dynasty to 136.9x10^6 ha in 1985. In terms of the growth rate,the process of China's cropland rise can be identified into five periods. Significant differencesexisted among the provincial cropland change. At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, China'sfarming activities mainly existed in the Yangtze River Plain, the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,Guanzhong Basin and Yinchuan Plain. Thereafter, reclamation activities expanded to outeragriculture areas. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Northeast China andNorthwest China have been major sources of additional cropland. National policy, disasters,wars, and economic development, are main factors affecting cropland changes.
Acta Geographica Sinica
revised and calibrated system
cropland change
reclamation trends
regional differences