生产运作系统这一传统管理部门一直被企业所忽视 ,导致在大多数民营高科技企业中生产运作管理已成为制约企业进一步成长和发展的瓶颈。通过剖析我国民营高科技企业生产运作管理中存在的问题与困难 ,针对这些问题从生产战略、企业信息化水平、现代生产技术、生产模式以及外包战略等方面提出了对策。
The production operation management as a traditional sector of management has been omitted in the current enterprises.That has resulted in a constraint bottleneck for the growth of most non-government owned high-tech enterprises.This paper analyses the problems and difficulties in the production operation management field and proposes some suggestions with respect to the production strategy,the information level,technology modernization,production modes and putting-out system.
Journal of Fujian School of Administration and Fujian Institute of Economics and Management