为了了解GCr15钢的冲击损伤状态,采用自制的冲击磨损试验机、扫描电镜(SEM)及Taylor Hobson粗糙度轮廓分析仪研究了5 kg电磁杆和13.2 N冲击载荷下GCr15钢在干接触,CKD220油、海水和海水/CKD220油(1∶1)混合润滑下的表面损伤行为。结果表明:冲击使GCr15钢表面发生了塑性变形和磨损,塑性变形存在于冲击的每一阶段;冲击凹坑深度及体积随冲击次数的增加呈增大趋势,干接触时凹坑最浅,海水润滑时最深,CKD220油润滑时凹坑深度略大于海水/CKD220油混合润滑时;海水/CKD220油混合润滑的凹坑内部形貌既不同于干接触,也不同于CKD220油或海水润滑下的凹坑内部形貌。
An impact wear test ng constructed at our laboratory was performed to evaluate the impact-wear behavior of GCrl5 steel under dry sliding as well as lubrication of CKD220 oil,seawater,or seawater/CKD220 oil mixture(volume fraction 1:1) while a 5 kg electromagnetic shaft and an impact load of 13.2 N were applied.The morphology of worn steel surfaces was observed with scanning electron microscope,and the roughness of worn steel surfaces was measured with a surface profilometer.Results indicated that impact led to wear and plastic deformation of GCrl5 steel,while plastic deformation occurred at each stage of impact.Besides,the depth and volume of the impacted pits tended to increase with increasing impact cycle.The impacted pit under dry sliding was the shallowest,and the one under seawater lubrication was the deepest.Moreover,the impacted pit under the lubrication of CKD220 oil was slightly larger than the one under the lubrication of seawater/CKD220 oil mixture.The morphology of the impacted pit under the lubrication of seawater/CKD220 oil mixture was much different from those under other three lubrication states.
Materials Protection