采用上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)-序批式活性污泥法反应器(SBR)组合工艺处理生物柴油制环氧脂肪酸甲酯废水,考察了反应器各个阶段废水的处理效果。试验结果表明:当调整废水的氧化还原电位(ORP)降至-50^+50mV,UASB稳定运行阶段进水COD约为6 000mg/L时,出水COD在1 300mg/L以下,COD去除率约为80%,VFA浓度为180mg/L(以乙酸计)左右,最佳容积负荷为6.0kg/(m3·d);采用SBR处理UASB出水,当容积负荷为1.27kg/(m3·d)时,出水COD在250mg/L以下,COD去除率在80%以上,氨氮浓度在25mg/L以下,TP浓度在4mg/L以下,且处理后废水的COD、氨氮浓度、TP浓度均达到《污水排入城市下水道水质标准》(CJ343—2010)的A级要求。
This paper applies the combined process of up-flow anaerobic sludge bed(UASB)and sequencing batch reactor(SBR)to dealing with the epoxy fatty acid methyl ester wastewater derived by biodiesel and investigates the removal efficiency of each stage.The results show that when ORP is reduced to-50~+50mV and the influent COD of UASB under steady operation is 6 000mg/L,the COD removal efficiency keeps at 80%,the effluent COD is under 1 300mg/L,the VFA is about 180mg/L,and the best operation volume loading is 6.0kg/(m3·d);after the treatment of the UASB effluent by SBR with 1.27kg/(m3·d)volume loading,in the effluent,COD is under250mg/L,the removal efficiency keeps at 80%,the ammonia nitrogen is under 25mg/L,and TP is under 4mg/L.All the COD,ammonia nitrogen,and TP meet Standard A of Wastewater Quality Standards for Discharge to Municipal Sewers(CJ 343—2010).
Safety and Environmental Engineering