
社会网络环境下意见领袖对消费者创新抗拒的影响研究 被引量:3

On the Influence of Opinion Leaders to Consumer Innovation Resistance Based on the Social Network
摘要 新产品扩散的同时也伴随着很大的风险,其中消费者创新抗拒是新产品扩散风险最重要的表现之一。本研究利用社会网络分析软件确定了网络社区中的关键角色——意见领袖,提出了意见领袖的专业性、点入度、点出度及抗拒情绪与社区成员创新抗拒程度之间的影响关系假设,实证研究了网络意见领袖对消费者创新抗拒的影响关系。研究结果表明,意见领袖的专业性、点出度和抗拒情绪都与社区成员的创新抗拒程度正相关,而意见领袖的点入度与社区成员的创新抗拒程度无相关。为社会网络环境下企业新产品推广提供了启示。 New products diffusion always go with great risk, and consumer innovation resistance is one of the very important factor among new product diffusion risks, especially in the network environment. The paper uses social network analysis software to determine the leaders, and puts forward the hypothesizes that the relations between professional, indegree, outdegree and resist emotions of opinion leader and community member innovation resistance. Empirical research is done on the influence relation of network opinion leaders to innovation resistance of consumers. The results show that the professional, outdegree and resist emotions of opinion leaders positively related to community member innovation resistance. The indegree of opinion leaders has no relevant with community member innovation resistance. 'riffs study provides the relevant inspiration of new product promotion of communication for enterprises in the social network environment.
作者 陈涛 付欢
机构地区 武汉科技大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2014年第8期58-66,共9页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"基于复杂社会网络的中国企业新产品扩散风险理论与实践"(批准号:71172087)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 社会网络 意见领袖 创新抗拒新 产品扩散 social network opinion leaders innovation resistance new products diffusion
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