
单元化三级装卸搬运作业链集成优化的三层进化算法 被引量:5

A three-stage evolutionary algorithm for three-stage unit material handling operations
摘要 传统物流作业调度主要对单级或两级之间的协调问题进行建模和求解,缺乏对物流作业多级特征的考虑.针对物流装卸搬运多级作业链的复杂性,以批量作业完成时间为目标,研究单元化"装卸,搬运,装卸"三级作业链的集成调度优化作业问题,并在此基础上提出解决三级协调与集成优化问题的三层嵌套进化算法.通过算例仿真及其分析可得目标值和求解时间会随着问题规模扩大呈多项式曲线增长以及搬运级是三级装卸搬运效率的瓶颈环节,最后分析了其原因并提出相应解决方案. Traditional studies on logistical operational scheduling primarily focus on models and algo-rithms for single-stage or double-stage coordination problems, lack of attention on multi-stage operations.Considering the complex features of multi-stage operations in logistical material handling chains, a three-stage coordination problem of unit material handling operations is studied to minimize makespan. And athree-stage evolutionary algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. Through the case study and analysiswhich can get conclusions that tile optimal object and solving time have a polynomial relationship withgrowing size of the problem, and the transportation stage is the bottleneck of the whole operational chain.Finally analysis of corresponding reasons and solutions are proposed.
作者 陶莎 胡志华
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期1971-1985,共15页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目(71390520) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71101088) 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目(09KJA520001) 江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目(KYZZ_004)
关键词 单元化装卸搬运 三级装卸搬运作业链 集成优化 嵌套进化算法 material handling by unit three-stageintegral optimization nested evolutionary algorithmoperational chain for material handling operations
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