
欧盟与西巴尔干国家的互利与互动及其前景 被引量:6

Interdependence and Interaction between the EU and West Balkan Countries
摘要 当中欧东部、巴尔干半岛的东部和西北部纳入欧盟的版图后,西巴尔干成为欧盟内部的一块"化外之地"。改变西巴尔干国家不稳定、落后的现状并逐渐达到欧盟成员国的标准,对欧盟和西巴尔干国家都具有重要意义。欧盟通过签署《稳定与联系协议》、提供财政援助、推行贸易优惠政策、建立"欧洲伙伴关系"等方式来促进西巴尔干国家的发展,而西巴尔干国家则按照欧盟的要求积极地进行社会等方面的改革。但是,欧盟各国对西巴尔干国家态度的不一致性,以及西巴尔干各国在政治、经济发展上、文化认同上存在的巨大的差异,不仅导致了各国加入欧盟进程的速度不一,甚至还造成各国社会内部的裂痕。因此,西巴尔干国家融入欧盟还有很长的路要走。 After the east and north-west Balkan countries joined the EU,the Western Balkans became an 'uncivilized land' within Europe.It is of uttermost importance for both the EU and the Western Balkans if the latter could become stable and meet the EU membership criteria.With the help of such approaches as the Stabilization and Association Agreements,the EU aims to promote the comprehensive development of the Western Balkans,who,at the same time,are carrying out reforms in accordance with the requirements of the EU.However,the divergences between the EU member states in their attitudes towards the Western Balkans and the huge disparities among the latter in the level of political and economic development and cultural identity decide that there is still a long way to go before the Western Balkans join the EU.
作者 孔寒冰
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期1-11,165,共11页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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