目的探讨艾滋病(AIDS)合并弓形虫脑炎的MRI诊断价值.方法回顾分析15例艾滋病脑弓形虫脑炎的MRI影像学表现特点.结果病变大部分为类圆形,多发(14例),也可单发(1例),侵犯基底核团11例,丘脑3例,皮层下区11例;累及小脑及脑干3例、延髓2例;病灶内部在T1WI上呈中等及偏低信号,T2WI上呈高信号,边缘见等及稍高T1等及稍低T2信号壁,增强扫描呈单环、多环样强化或小结节样强化;灶周水肿明显.结论 MRI检查有助于AIDS合并弓形虫脑炎的诊断.
Objective To evaluate the MRI manifestations of toxoplasmosis encephalitis in patients with aquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).Method The MRI manifestations of toxoplasmosis encephalitis were retrospectively analyzed in 15 patients with AIDS.Results The lesions were bilateral and multiple,involving basal ganglia in 11 cases,thalamus in 3 cases,bilateral cerebral hemispheres near the corticomedullary junction in 11 cases,and cerebellum and brainstem in 3 cases,bulbus medullae in 2 cases.The lesions showed as iso-low signal intensity on T1WI and hyperintesity on T2WI.The capsule-like rims with iso-to slightly higher intensity on T1WI and iso-to hyperintensity on T2WI.All lesions demonstrated rim or multirim or nodosity enhancement.The lesions were multiple in 14 cases and isolated in 1 cases.Conclusion MRI has an important value in diagnosis of toxoplasmosis encephalitis in patients with aquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Journal of Kunming Medical University