利用ALOS PALSAR全极化SAR内波图像,对比分析了SAR海洋内波在11种极化特征与后向散射系数(σ0)图像中的可视性。在提取的SAR极化特征图像中,Lambda值的内波特征最为明显,极化熵和极化角次之。与σ0图像相比,Lambda值的内波可视性优于同极化的σ0图像;对于极化熵和极化角,沿距离向传播的内波可视性优于同极化的σ0图像,沿方位向传播的内波可视性略差于同极化的σ0图像,两者均优于交叉极化的σ0图像。HH/VV极化比、归一化圆极化系数和Bata值的内波特征较弱;HH/HV极化比、VV/VH极化比、Gamma值、Delta值和各向异性指数的内波图像均不清晰,无法识别内波。
Comparison for the visibility of 11SAR polarization characteristics andσ0 images of internal waves were performed by using ALOS PALSAR quad-polarization SAR images.In SAR polarization characteristics of internal waves,the characteristic of Lambda values is the most obvious and then the characteristics of Entropy and Alpha are next.Compared with the images ofσ0,the visibility of Lambda values for internal waves is better than that of coparpolarizationσ0 images.For the Entropy and Alpha,the visibility of internal waves propagating along the range direction is better than that of the copar-polarizationσ0 images;the visibility of internal waves propagating along the azimuth direction is slightly worse than that of the copar-polarizationσ0 images.The characteristics of Entropy and Alpha are better than those of cross polarizationσ0 images.The characteristics of internal waves for the images of the HH/VV,normalized coefficient of circular polarization,and Beta are not obvious;the characteristics of internal waves for the images of the HH/HV,VV/VH,Gamma,Delta,and Anisotropic index are fuzzy and internal waves can't be identified in these images.
Journal of Marine Sciences