目的分析子宫常见疾病的MRI表现及特征,以提高对该类疾病的诊断及鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析经手术病理证实的64个(42例患者)子宫病灶的MRI征象。结果 64例病灶中,子宫肌瘤32例(普通型18例,细胞型4例,退变型10例);子宫腺肌症12例(局限型7例,弥漫型5例);子宫内膜癌20例,其中Ⅰ期15例(Ⅰa期2例,Ⅰb期5例,Ⅰc期8例),Ⅱ期3例(Ⅱa期1例,Ⅱb期2例),Ⅲ期2例。MRI诊断正确60例,准确率为93.75%。子宫病变主要表现为子宫形态改变、内膜增厚、结合带的完整性改变,实质性肿块,及其在MRI上的不同信号改变。结论 MRI常规序列、DWI及动态增强扫描不仅可以清晰显示病变本身及累及范围,还能提供病变分子水平及血流动力学水平的信息,在提高子宫病变诊断准确性的同时,还为临床的治疗和手术方式的选择提供给了重要的参考依据。
Objective To analysis the MRI features of uterine common diseases, to reinforce the diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Method To review the characteristics of MRI in 42 case of uterus diseases (64 lesions) proved by pathology. Result 32 uterine leiomyoma of 64 lesions (includes 18 ordinary leiomyomas, 4 cellular leiomyomas and 10 degenerated leiomyomas);12 adenomyosis (includes 7 localized and 5 diffused);20 endometrial carcinoma (includes 2 cases stage Ia , 5 cases stage Ib, 8 cases stage Ic, totally 15 cases stage I;1 case stageⅡa , 2 cases stageⅡb, totally 3 cases stageⅡ;2 cases stageⅢ). The diagnostic accuracy of MRI was 93.75%, 60 cases totally. Uterine pathological shows uterus shape changing, endometrial thickening, integrity changing of junctional zone and solid tumor mass with the respective signal changing of MRI. Conclusion MRI Routine Scan, DWI and Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, not only shows pathological and its intraspinal involvement, but also provides the information of both pathological molecular level and hemodynamics, they enhance the diagnosing accuracy of uterine diseases, and indicates the crucial reference for clinical therapeutics and surgical options.
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