
α-Gal抗原与动物源性医疗器械免疫原性风险控制 被引量:4

Alpha-Gal antigen and immunity risk control of animal-derived medical devices
摘要 背景:目前动物源性医疗器械被广泛应用于临床,尽管它的有效性得到了认可,但它的安全性特别是免疫原性日益受到人们的关注。目的:为了保证动物源性医疗器械的质量安全,研究其免疫原性风险控制。方法:作者应用计算机检索Sciencedirect数据库、Wiley-Blackewell电子期刊数据库和万方数据库中1985年1月至2013年6月的文章,在标题和摘要中以"α-Gal抗原,免疫原性,异种移植"或"α-Gal antigen,immunity xenotransplantation"为检索词进行检索。结果与结论:目前对异种植入物抗原中Galα1-3Gal抗原(即α-Gal抗原)的研究较多。α-Gal抗原存在于大量非灵长类哺乳动物、新世纪猴体内糖基化合物中,在人类及旧世纪猴体内不表达,但在人体中存在抗α-Gal抗体。α-Gal抗原与抗α-Gal抗体的结合形成了异种移植的免疫屏障。为了保证动物源性医疗器械的使用安全有效,应对动物源性材料进行选择,采用适当的工艺减少或去除α-Gal抗原,同时还应建立灵敏度高、重复性好的α-Gal抗原检测方法。 BACKGROUND:Medical devices from animals are commonly used in clinical application. Despite their efficiency is widely accepted, their safety, especialy immunity has been concerned. OBJECTIVE:To investigate immunity risk control to medical devices from animals for safety consideration. METHODS:Using “α-Gal antigen, immunity, xenotransplantation” in Chinese and English as the key words, the first author conducted a computer search of Science direct database (www.sciencedirect.com), Wiley-Blackewel database (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com) and Wanfang database (www.wanfang.com.cn) through screening the titles and abstracts. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Increasing evidence shows that, Gal α1-3Gal antigen (α-Gal antigen) is recognized as the major antigen and abundantly expressed on glycoconjugates of non-primate mammals and New World monkeys. In contrast, the α-gal epitope is not expressed on glycoconjugates of humans and Old World monkeys. Instead, they produce a very large amount of natural anti-α-Gal antibody that specificaly binds the α-galepitope. The binding of human natural anti-α-Gal to α-gal epitopes expressed on non-primate mammal animals was expected to be unique immunological barrier in xenotransplantation. Therefore, it is important to choose raw materials, reduce or eliminate the α-Ggal epitope, establish highα-Ggal epitope detection methods with high sensitivity and good repeatability for achieving a greater safety and efficiency of medical devices from animals.
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS CSCD 2014年第25期4051-4056,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 再生型医用植入器械国家工程实验室PI项目"动物源性生物材料免疫原性检测与评价技术研究"(2012NELRMD002) 中国食品药品检定研究院中青年研究发展基金"动物源性脱细胞生物材料中残留免疫原性因子检测方法研究"(2011C2)~~
关键词 生物材料 材料相容性 α-Gal抗原 免疫原性 异种移植 antigen transplantation,heterologous review
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