
Formation mechanisms of recrystallization textures in aluminum sheets based on theories of oriented nucleation and oriented growth 被引量:1

摘要 The recrystallization textures in 95%rolled aluminum sheets with different purities and initial textures were investigated.The effects of recovery levels and the dragging effects induced by impurities on the effective driving force and corresponding behaviors of oriented nucleation and oriented growth during annealing were analyzed.The oriented nucleation is a common behavior in the initial stage of primary recrystallization if the effective driving force in deformed matrix is not too high to reduce the necessity of nucleation period.Oriented growth might appear if the temperature is not too high and the grains,of which the misorientation to matrix is about 40°〈111〉,have enough time and space to expand growth advantages,while certain reduction of effective driving force is also necessary.The recrystallization textures could be changed by controlling initial textures and effective driving forces which can be regulated by recovery levels and dragging effects. 研究不同纯度和初始织构铝板经95%冷轧后的再结晶织构。分析回复程度和杂质钉扎效应对退火过程中定向形核和选择生长行为的影响。在初次再结晶的开始阶段,若变形基体内有效驱动力不是特别高,在不缩短形核周期的情况下,通常会有定向形核行为出现。若温度不是特别高以致与基体保持约40°〈111〉取向差关系的晶粒有充分的时间优先长大,则也会出现选择性生长,此时也需使有效驱动力有所降低。借助控制初始织构或用回复程度和钉扎效应调整有效驱动力可以改变再结晶织构。
作者 毛卫民 杨平
出处 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1635-1644,共10页 中国有色金属学报(英文版)
关键词 aluminum RECRYSTALLIZATION TEXTURE recovery stored energy boundary migration 再结晶 织构 回复 储存能 晶界迁移
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