Japan experienced long-term post-war trade surplus,which supported the smooth growth of the Japanese economy.But in2011 Japan appeared trade deficit the first time since 1980.So,will Japan's trade deficit become a long-term trend,will Japan become a trade deficit nation? As the world's largest exporter and Japan's important trading partners,can China get some inspiration from this? To solve this problem,from the perspective of the financial situation and demographic characteristics in Japan,the paper applies the overlapping generation model as the theoretical basis and use the time series data 1965 ~ 2013 to take an empirical test.The results showed that:first,the government budget balance in Japan has a significant positive effect on the current account balance.Second,the Young-Age Dependency Rate have significant positive effect on Japan's current account balance,the Old-Age Dependency Rate have significant negative effect on Japan's current account balance,and the Old-Age Dependency Rate is more effective than the Young-Age Dependency Rate.Third,Japan's rising fiscal deficit and the continuing development of low birthrate and aging lead to declining savings rate and rising total net assets in overseas.This means that Japan' s trade deficit could become a trend,and Japan has the internal factors of this trend.It also has considerable significance for China to draw some lessons.
World Economy Studies