目的 总结动态支架观察技术(DSV)在经皮冠状动脉支架置入术(PCI)中的应用经验.方法 纳入3例复杂冠脉病变并行PCI术的典型患者(支架扩张不全、串联支架的衔接及支架断裂各1例),术中使用DSV技术观察,并以冠脉内超声(IVUS)验证.结果 在DSV帮助下发现病例1左前降支(LAD)支架扩张不良,指导病例2 LAD中两枚串联支架的准确衔接,发现病例3支架断裂.术中观察结果与IVUS探知的结果一致.结论 DSV技术有助于适时发现支架扩张不全和支架断裂并指导双支架的置入衔接.
Objective To explore the application of a novel Dynamic Stent View (DSV) in 3 cases pa- tients ongoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods Three cases with coronary heart disease(CHD) were enrolled to receive PCI treatment including incomplete stent apposition, kissing stent connection and coronary stent fracture. During the procession of PCI, a novel DSV system was used to real-time observe stent position, which verified by intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) technique. Results In case I, DSV show incomplete stent appo- sition in the left anterior descending (LAD). In case 2, through DSV system, two kissing stent were implanted ac- curately into LAD. In case 3, stent fracture was found by DSV after drug-eluting stent implantation. The observed consequences of DSV were verified by IVUS in case 1 and 2. Conclusion DSV system is a novel methods that re- al-time viewed incomplete stent apposition, coronary stent fracture and supported kissing stent connection, which is valuable to apply in PCI.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Research