1Roderick J, Macdonald, From Nyasaland t~I Malawi:studie9 in colonial history, Nairobi: East African Pub. House, 1975, p. 13.
4Bridg~al, Pachai, Malawi: The history of the nation, London: Lon~man, 1975, p. 49.
5David Bone, "MM&wHs Muslim Commur[ties in their Local &nd GJob&l Oontext" , http.//www.sh&~i& in--afric& ne~/~edi&/pub[ic&tions/bonefinAi/Bone fiB&l.pdf, P. 6,.
6Houssain Kettani, "Muslim Population in A,frica= 1950--2020" , Intern&tional Journal of Environmental Science and Development Vol, I No. 2, June 2010, p. 139.
7Bridglal Pathai, The ~arl~ his~oFy of ~alawi, London: Longman, 1972, p. 175.
8David S. Bone, Malawi~s Muslims: Historfcal Perspectives, Christian Literature Association in Malawi, Blantyre 2000, p. 75.