
西双版纳地区两种榕树上黄猄蚁生活习性调查 被引量:1

Investigation on habits of Oecophyllas maragdina on two Ficus species in Xishuangbanna
摘要 黄猄蚁Oecophylla smaragdina,织叶蚁属,是热带亚洲地区很常见的一种捕食性蚂蚁。在西双版纳地区黄猄蚁常见在多种榕树上筑巢繁衍和生活。研究榕树上生活黄猄蚁的生活习性对于了解黄猄蚁与榕蜂互惠系统间的相互影响具有重要意义。本文选取西双版纳最常见的垂叶榕和高榕两种榕树和树上筑巢的黄猄蚁作为研究材料。观察研究黄猄蚁在一年内三个季节的活动情况;黄猄蚁在榕树上的筑巢位置;黄猄蚁对食物和光的选择;黄猄蚁对榕小蜂的捕食。结果发现:(1)黄猄蚁的活动在三个季节间有明显差异,其活动强度、活动时间依次为雨季>干热季>雾凉季;(2)黄猄蚁在不同的榕树会选择不同的位置筑巢,在垂叶榕上,它们主要在树顶部筑巢,而在高山榕上则在杈下垂的小枝条上筑巢;(3)黄猄蚁食性的研究中我们进一步证实了黄猄蚁为肉食性蚂蚁。在黄猄蚁的光反应实验中我们发现黄猄蚁偏好光亮处,而且在光亮处的黄猄蚁活动强度明显大于黑暗处;(4)榕小蜂是榕树上黄猄蚁重要的食物来源,而且黄猄蚁捕食榕小蜂的种类是与榕树的发育时期密切相关,在花前期和间花期黄猄蚁以捕食非传粉榕小蜂为主,而在雌花期和雄花期会捕食传粉榕小蜂,所以榕树上栖息的黄猄蚁在花前期和间花期对榕树-榕小蜂互利共生有利,而雌花期和雄花期由于取食传粉榕小蜂,则对榕蜂互利共生产生负面影响。 Oecophylla smaragdina is the dominant predatory ant species in tropical Asian Both Oecophylla smaragdina and their nests on the Ficus trees are easilyseen in the Xishuangbanna areaResearch on the habits of the Oecophylla smaragdina is important to understand the interaction between ants and the mutualism Our investigation focused on the Oecophylla smaragdina which live on Ficus benjamina and Ficus altissmaWe recorded the ant activity in three seasonsand the position of ant nests on the figtrees, and we performed experiments that the ants selected food and responded to light, we also observed how did theants’preyed on the fig-wasps in different figphase The results showed that:(1)The pattern of ant activity pattern varied among three seasons, and the intensity and the time of activity were the strongest in the rain season, and middle in dry hot season, and weak in cool fog season(2)The positions of ant nests were varied, which the nests were located on the top branches on Fbenjamina and the nests were located on the low branches on Faltissma(3)The experiment of food preference showed that the Osmaragdina was carnivore Osmaragdina preferred to light, and the intensity of activity was obvious stronger in the light than without light (4)Figwasps were important food resource for Osmaragdina, and fig wasps preyed by OSmaragdina were related with developing stage of figs, in pre-female floral phase and inter-floral phase it prey more non-pollination wasps so the present of the ants benefit the mutualism while in Male floral phase it prey pollination wasps and have the negative effect to the mutualism.
出处 《环境昆虫学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期572-577,共6页 Journal of Environmental Entomology
基金 国家自然科学基金(31372253 31000243)
关键词 榕树 黄猄蚁 西双版纳 生活习性 活动规律 Ficus Oecophylla smaragdina Xishuangbanna habit activity pattern
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