
假性血钾、血钠检测结果的识别与避免 被引量:4

Recognition and Prevention of Spurious Results of Serum Potassium and Sodium Detection
摘要 检验结果的有效性是检验工作的目的,也是检验质量的重要内涵之一。检验结果的不准确、不可靠不仅造成人力、物力的浪费,还可能对临床诊治产生误导。假性结果是指实验室检测过程正常,检验结果却并不能反映血清(浆)中被检测物的真实水平。假性电解质结果会导致不必要的检查或液体治疗,甚至造成患者病情恶化。该文讨论了分析前、分析中引起血钾、血钠结果不准确的各种因素,以期引起检验人员和临床医师的重视,识别和防止错误结果的产生。 Effectiveness of the results is the main goal of the the laboratory testing and an important way to evaluate the testing quality. Inaccurate testing results not only lead to the waste of human resources and materials ,but may also mislead the clinical diagnosis. Spurious blood test results refer to the results that come from the correct laboratory process but do not accurately reflect the real concentration of the analyte in vivo plasma. Spurious electrolyte results often lead to unnecessary testing or injudicious treatment and even have adveme effects on the patient's condition. Here is to make a review of the pre-analytical and analytical variables that may lead to spurious results of serum sodium and potassium detection, aiming at raising the concern of the clinical testing people and surgeons' and making them be able to recognize the spurious testing results and prevent the mistakes.
出处 《医学综述》 2014年第15期2784-2786,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 假性低钾血症 假性高钾血症 假性低钠血症 假性高钠血症 Pseudohypokalaemia Pseudohyperkalaemia Pseudohyponatraemia Pseudohypematraemia
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