
修正Camassa-Holm方程的Cauchy问题 被引量:3

The Cauchy Problem for the Modified Camassa-Holm Equations
摘要 主要研究修正Camassa-Holm方程的Cauchy问题。首先提出了一个新的爆破结果,这一结果优化了早先获得的一些结果;然后证明了修正Camassa-Holm方程的Cauchy问题在解对初值不一致连续依赖意义下在空间H^3(R),s<3/2中不适定。 The Cauchy problem of the modified Camassa-Holm equation is mainly studied .First, a new blow-up phenomenon which is an improvement of the earlier ones is presented .Then it is proved that the Cauchy problem for the modified Camassa-Holm equation is not locally well-posedness in the sense that its solution does not depend uniformly continuously on the initial data .
出处 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期8-12,共5页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11101337) 教育部新教师博士点基金资助项目(20110182120013) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(XDJK2011C046) 西南大学博士基金资助项目(SWU110035)
关键词 修正CamassaHolm 方程 爆破 关于初值非一致依赖性 the modified Camassa-Holm equation blow up non-uniform dependence on initial data
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