
中国能否跨越中等收入陷阱?--基于国际竞争力视角 被引量:5

Can China Avoid the Middle-income Trap?——An Analysis based on International Competitiveness
摘要 本文基于国际竞争力结构动态分析框架及其理论分析,发现目前中国竞争优势结构仍然是基于要素驱动型,还没有实现向效率驱动型转交。竞争力结构局部赤字已经形成,整个竞争力结构已显现出了一些掉入中等收入陷阱经济体的征兆,落入中等收入陷阱风险加大。 Abstract:By means of the dynamic framework and theory of international competitiveness structure, the article finds that current China' s competitive advantage is still based on structure factor-driven, instead of efficiency-driven. Moreover, local competitive structure deficit has been formed. It has been found that the competitive structure has shown some signs of falling into the middle-income trap
作者 汪涛 赵彦云
出处 《经济与管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期5-15,共11页 Research on Economics and Management
关键词 中等收入陷阱 竞争力结构动态分析 竞争力结构赤字 Middle-income Trap Competitiveness Structure Dynamic Analysis Competitiveness Structural Deficit
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