目的:了解苏州大学附属常熟医院滨江院区门诊糖皮质激素类药的使用情况,促进临床合理用药。方法:抽取该院门诊2013年7—12月的8 998张处方,对其中糖皮质激素类药在各科室的使用情况进行统计分析。结果:糖皮质激素类药在该院门诊各科室应用广泛,占9.02%。其中,皮肤科、耳鼻喉科、儿科、眼科和口腔科使用率分别为50.91%、28.48%、28.02%、15.78%和6.36%;糖皮质激素类药处方构成比排序前5位的科室分别是儿科(33.37%)、内科(23.52%)、耳鼻喉科(17.12%)、皮肤科(13.79%)和眼科(7.27%);<20岁的患者使用率最高(42.49%,345/812);醋酸泼尼松片使用频率最高(24.85%,206/829);使用患者男女比例为1.16∶1。结论:该院糖皮质激素使用情况基本符合《糖皮质激素类药临床应用指导原则》,较为合理,少数处方存在不合理应用现象。建议贯彻执行《糖皮质激素类药临床应用指导原则》,加强临床药学工作,提高用药合理性与安全性。
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the outpatient utilization of glucocorticoid drugs in Changshu No.1 People' s Hospital (Binjiang Branch) Affiliated to Soochow University so as to promote clinical rational use of drugs. METHODS: A total of 8 998 outpatient prescriptions during Jul.- Dec. period in 2013 were collected from outpatient department of the hospital for statistical analysis regarding the utilization of glucocorticoid drugs. RESULTS: Glucocorticoid drugs were widely used in outpatient depart- ments, accounting for 9.02% of total drug consumption. The rate of using glucocorticoid drugs in dermatological department, oto- laryngology department, pediatrics department, ophthalmology department and department of stomatology stood at 50.91%, 28.48% , 28.02%, 15.78% and 6.36%, respectively. The top five departments ranked by proportion of glucocorticoids prescrip- tions were pediatrics department (33.37%), internal medicine department (23.52%), otolaryngology department ( 17.12% ), der- matological department (13.79%) and ophthalmology department (7.27%). Glucocorticoid drugs were most frequently used by pa- tients aged below 20 years (42.49%, 345/812); prednisone acetate tablets were the most frequently used glucocorticoids (24.85%, 206/829); the ratio of male to female was 1.16:1. CONCLUSIONS: The utilization of glucocorticoids was basically rational and in line with the Guiding Principles for Clinical Application of Glucocorticoids, with non-rational use of drugs noted in only a few of pre- scriptions. We should strengthen the implementation of the the guiding principle and reinforcement of clinical pharmacy to contrib- ute to improvement in the rationality and security of drug use.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Rational use of drugs