
Cl^-对不锈钢耐蚀性能的影响 被引量:2

The Impact of Chlorine Ion on Anticorrosion Performance of Stainless Steel
摘要 采用循状阳极极化,交流阻抗和动电位扫描技术研究了模拟循环冷却水中氯离子对304L不锈钢耐蚀性的影响。结果表明:随着氯离子浓度增大,不锈钢的点蚀电位Eb降低;循环阳极极化曲线上的保护电位与击穿电位的差值的大小反应了不锈钢钝化膜自我修复的能力的强弱,差值越小不锈钢表面钝化膜的修复功能越强即钝化膜的性能;从交流阻抗图谱得到的不锈钢电荷转移电阻值随氯离子浓度增大而降低。 The anticorrosion property of 304 L stainless steel in simulated cooling water with chlorine ion by methods of cyclic anodic polarization , AC impedance and dynamic potential scan was studied.The experimental results indicated with the increase of the concentration of chlorine ion , the pitting corrosion potential Eb of stainless steel would lower.The difference between the breakdown potential and the protection potential reflected the self -repair ability of the passivated film of stainless steel.The difference was smaller , and the self-repair ability of the passivated film of stainless steel was stronger.The resistance of charge transfer obtained from AC impedance spectrum decreased when the concentration of chlorine ion increased.
作者 李静
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2014年第15期102-104,共3页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 电化学方法 点蚀电位 模拟冷却水 氯离子 不锈钢 electrochemical methods pitting corrosion potential simulated cooling water chlorine ion stainless steel
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