研究蒲桃不同提取部位总黄酮的含量差异,为制定蒲桃的提取工艺和质量控制方法奠定基础。采用紫外分光光度法测定蒲桃醇提物不同极性溶剂萃取部位总黄酮的含量,以硝酸铝为显色剂,以芦丁为对照品,最大吸收波长为510 nm。结果表明:蒲桃不同提取部位的总黄酮在15.24~76.20μg·mL^-1(r=0.9991)范围内与吸光度呈良好线性关系,总黄酮含量其乙酸乙酯部位占34.84%、三氯甲烷部位占20.36%、正丁醇部位占19.72%、水部位占17.79%和石油醚部位占7.29%。蒲桃不同提取部位总黄酮含量的比较结果:乙酸乙酯部位>三氯甲烷部位>正丁醇部位>水部位>石油醚部位,为进一步研究蒲桃的提取工艺和质量控制方法奠定基础。
The difference of the total flavonoids content among the different extractive fractions in Syzygium jambos Alston was studied to lay the foundation for fomulating its extraction technology and quality control standards.The ultraviolet spectrophotometry method was used to measure the total flavonoids content in ethanol extract of Syzygium jambos Alston with different polar solvent extraction , with aluminium nitrate as color reagent and the rutin as standard substance and the maximum absorption wave -length of 510 nm.The total flavonoids contents of different extractive fractions in syzygium jambos alston showed good linear relation in the range of 15.24 ~76.20 μg· mL^-1 ( r=0.9991 ) , the total flavonoids content was 34.84% in the ethyl acetate layer , 20.36% in the chloroform layer , 19.72% in the n -butyl alcohol layer , 17.79%in the water layer and 7.29% in the petroleum ether layer.The total flavonoids contents of the different extracted fractions in Syzygium jambos Alston were quite different , especially the ethyl acetate extraction fraction had the highest contents , followed by in turn the chloroform layer , the n-butyl alcoho layer , the water layer and the petroleum ether layer which laid the foundation for further study of the pharmaceutical part in Syzygium jambos Alston .
GuangZhou Chemical Industry
Syzygium jambos Alston
the total flavonoids
UV-Vis spectrophotometry