研究了酒钢集团炼轧厂二高线作业区高速线材粗轧堆钢的机理,提出了粗中轧堆钢的解决思路和基本方法,通过系统分析,运用张力控制、钢质控制、钢温控制、料型控制、钢头咬入控制,导卫的改善、岗位工的责任心与技能的提高以及设备点巡检的加强等手段,实现了2013年二高线作业区全年粗轧误轧时间仅214 min,较2012年二高线作业区粗轧误轧时间942 min环比降低了728 min,降幅达77.28%,堆钢次数由22次降至7次,降幅达68.2%,中轧废由21支降至5支,降幅达76.2%,创立了二高线作业区粗轧"零"堆钢的纪录。
The mechanism of steel piled up of rough rolling was studied in NO .2 factory of high speed wire rod of Jiuquan iron&steel Co .Ltd, the basic ideas and methods were put forword to reduce piled up steel , by analysis of the system , con-trolling steel of tension, adjusting of rolling gap, improving of guide, controlling steel of quality, temperature, sizes, head biting , improving the job responsibility and operation skills and enhancing inspection of rolling equipments , there were on-ly 214 minutes of rough rolling piled up steel which was 676 minutes litter than 942min of 2012 years and was a drop of 77. 28%,number of piled up steel reduced from 22 to 7 with 68.2%and rolled unless steel reduced from 21 to 5with 76.2%in NO.2 high speed wire rod factory in 2013 years, a record of no piled up steel was created in history of rough rolling of NO . 2 high speed wire rod factory .
Gansu Metallurgy
high-speed wire rod
rough rolling
reduction of piled up steel
controlling measures