
数据库驱动认知无线电网络位置隐私的攻击与保护 被引量:2

Attack and defense of location privacy in database-driven cognitive radio networks
摘要 针对数据库驱动认知无线电网络(cognitive radio networks)存在的位置隐私泄露风险,提出两种攻击方法:覆盖交集攻击和频道切换攻击,可根据二级用户(secondary user,SU)频道使用情况,在不直接获取查询信息中的位置信息的前提下,间接推断SU位置。为应对上述攻击,提出查询信息盲化机制来实现隐私保护的频谱查询,同时对频道选择方案进行优化使得SU能够最大程度地保护自身位置隐私。根据真实数据进行的攻击实验提高了对SU的定位精度,基于模拟数据的隐私保护方案验证实验证明了本文提出的保护方案的有效性和效率。 The threats of location privacy leaking in database-driven CRNs are investigated.Two attacks:coverage complement at-tack and channel switch attack are proposed to infer SU’s locations according to their usage of channels without directly learning the query messages.To address the above issues,a novel privacy preserving spectrum querying scheme is devised exploiting the blinding approach.Further,optimization on channel selection is applied to ensure the privacy of SU’s location.In the attack ex-periments with real data,it is shown that the position of SU could be located with high precision.The defense experiments with simulation data verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed privacy preserving schemes.
出处 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第7期754-757,共4页 China Sciencepaper
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20100073120065)
关键词 认知无线电网络 数据库驱动 位置隐私 隐私保护 频谱可用性 cognitive radio network database driven location privacy privacy preserving spectrum availability
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