
生物磁效应对蛹虫草液体发酵培养的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Biomagnetic Effect on the Submerged Cultures of Cordyceps militaris
摘要 [目的]研究生物磁效应对蛹虫草(Cordyceps militaris)液体发酵培养的影响。[方法]利用场强为0.10 T、0.25 T、0.40 T恒定磁场,以流速为1 m/s,分别对普通水进行9次处理,串联(SC)磁场处理3次的磁处理水,用于液体培养蛹虫草,研究了生物磁效应对蛹虫草胞外蛋白酶、淀粉酶、多酚氧化酶、虫草素、虫草酸、多糖含量及菌丝干重的影响,并且对胞外酶活性与以上指标相关性进行了分析。[结果]0.40 T处理能显著促进蛹虫草胞外蛋白酶和多酚氧化酶活性,提高菌丝干重及虫草酸含量,相比对照组,其酶活高峰分别提高了38.98%和16.75%,菌丝干重和虫草酸分别提高了27.12%和22.93%;0.10 T处理可显著提高胞外淀粉酶活性和多糖含量,相比对照组,酶活高峰提高了34.94%,多糖含量提高了18.32%;0.25 T处理有利于虫草素的积累,比对照组提高了16.49%。相关性分析结果表明,胞外蛋白酶活性与菌丝干重、虫草酸含量在0.05水平呈显著正相关,为关键酶。[结论]不同场强处理的磁化水均能显著提高蛹虫草液体培养胞外酶活性、菌丝干重及主要药用成分含量,但影响规律存在一定的差异性,可为发酵生产蛹虫草药用成分提供理论依据和参考。 [Objective] To explore the eftects ot biomagnetic eftect on Corayceps militaris m submerged cultures.[Method] The water was treated by using magnetic treatment with field strength of 0.1,0.25,0.40 T for 9 times at flow velocity with 1 m/s and the series connection(SC) for 3 times simultaneously to submerged culture.The influence of different magnetic field strength on the activity of extracellular amylase,protease,polyphenol oxidase and mycelial dry weight,cordycepin,cordycepic acid (D-mannitol),polysaccharide by the mycelial of Cordyceps militaris were investigated.Furthermore,the relationship between extracellular enzyme activity and above indicators was analyzed.[Result] The 0.4T treatment could obviously promote the activity of extracellular protease and polyphenol oxidase,and was favorable for mycelial growth and cordycepic acid production,which increased 38.98%,16.75%,27.12% and 22.93% compared with the contrast,respectively.The 0.1 T treatment could obviously promote the activity of extracellular amylase,and was favorable for polysaccharide production in the submerged culture,which increased 34.94% and 18.32% compared with the contrast.The 0.25 T treatment was favorable for cordycepin production of Cordyceps militaris,which increased 16.49% compared with the contrast.Further correlation analysis indicated that the extracellular protease activity and mycelial dry weight and cordycepic acid content were significant positive correlated at P <0.05 level,which was the key factor in the submerged cultures.[Conclusion] Different magnetized water had significant effect on the extracellular enzyme activity,mycelial growth and medicinal ingredients content in submerged cultures of Cordyceps militaris,though the influence rules of magnetized water on different substance existed differences,which could provide theoretical basis and reference to produce medicinal ingredients of Cordyceps militaris.
机构地区 东北林业大学
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第24期8102-8107,共6页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2572014AA08)
关键词 磁效应 蛹虫草 液体发酵 胞外酶活性 菌丝干重 活性物质含量 Biomagnetic effect Cordyceps militaris Submerged culture Extracellular enzyme activity Mycelial dry weight Bioactive metabolite
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