
基于RDF的电子文件背景信息置标研究 被引量:1

Study on the Electronic Records' Contextual Information's Markup Based on RDF
摘要 基于RDF置标电子文件背景信息,可以长久保存电子文件,确保其凭证性及情报价值的实现。本文在对电子文件背景信息置标及其标准化概述的基础上,创新性地重点论述了电子文件背景信息置标的具体方法与整个流程,包括:置标对象文本逻辑结构解析及置标标识词词典构建;置标用语言RDF分析,及置标的具体实现,在RDF Schema设计的基础上,进行RDF实例化,并实现了基于XSL的电子文件背景信息显示置标应用,从而为电子文件控制利用的实现奠定了基础。 Markuping electronic records' contextual information based on RDF can preserve electronic records permanently and also realize their evidential and informational value. Based on summarizing electronic records' contextual information' s markup and its standardization, the paper innovatively discusses the concrete methods and whole process of electronic records' contextual information's markup on emphasis. That includes: analyzing the markup object' s textual logical structure and constructing markup dictionary; analyzing markup language RDF, then realizing concretely electronic records' contextual information' s markup, that is, RDF instantiating based on designing RDF Schema. And the paper also studies markup application in electronic records' contextual information' s display based on XSL Thus laying the foundation for controlling and using electronic records.
作者 段荣婷
出处 《档案与建设》 北大核心 2014年第7期9-14,31,共7页 Archives & Construction
基金 2010年国家社科基金青年项目"网络环境下的档案规范记录系统研究"(项目编号:10CTQ020)的研究成果之一
关键词 电子文件背景信息 标准化 资源描述框架 置标 Electronic Records' Contextual Information Standardization RDF Markup
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