“投资迪拜”是猎鹰国际(Falcon and Associates)的一部分。这是一家代表阿联酋副总统兼总理、迪拜酋长穆罕默德·本·拉希德邯可勒马克图姆殿下的战略规划与咨询公司。
The New Silk Road is one of the most exciting concepts in the globalisation era of the economy. Mr. Cong Hongbin, managing director of Invest Dubai, is making efforts to change this concept into reality. This new organization has been established to attract investment in Dubai especially from the market of China, India and Africa. Cong Hongbin has rich experience in the investment field and in organizing international activities. For 17 years he was chief advisor of Price Waterhouse Coopers Consulting(China and America) in terms of financial and infrastructure investment. He promoted the trade of infrastructure projects. Moreover, he participated in the planning of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and 2012 London Olympic Games.The trade, transportation, and tourism of Dubai, and the fi nancial service and Moslem economy provide business opportunities for the investors of China and other rising markets. In 2012, the trade volume between China and Dubai hit 35 billion US dollars. Since 2006, the trade volume has grown 28% annually. 60% of the 35 billion US dollars is transferred to Africa and other areas of Middle East and North Africa. In 2012, the total amount of China's investment in Dubai hit 110 million US dollars. Therefore, the foreign investment refl ects the trade relations. Cong Hongbin believes that Dubai is located in the core area of globalization. His job is to speed up this process. He said: 'We want to use the superior location of Dubai to connect with the rising markets.'