
水力旋流器流动特性的数值模拟研究 被引量:1

Numerical Simulation Study on the Flow Characteristics of the Hydrocyclone
摘要 本文采用双流体模型以及RSM雷诺应力湍流模型,以油水混合液为介质,对水力旋流器的油水分离过程进行模拟。研究结果表明:旋流腔为预分离段,使油水两相粒子达到径向上的规律性分布,起到主要分离作用的是锥段,使油水两相分别从不同的出口排出。通过改变水力旋流器的入口段角度,分析入口角度变化为旋流器分离效率的影响,结果表明:旋流器的入口角度对分离性能的影响不可忽略,当β=0°和β=45°时分离效率较高,当β=60°时分离效率最低。 In this paper,taken the mixture of oil and water as the medium,the progress of oil-water separation in Hydrocyclone is simulated by two fluid model and Reynolds stress turbulence model.Research results show that:swirl chamber is the preliminary separation section,in which oil and water particles distribute regularly in radial direction.The conical section plays the most important role in separating,two phases are discharged from different export.Separation efficiency of hydrocyclone changes with entrance angle is analyzed by change the size of entrance angle.Results show that:the entrance angle on separating performance of the hydrocyclone can not be ignored,the separation efficiency is higher when β=0°and β=45°.The efficiency reaches lowest as β=60°.
出处 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2014年第11期6-9,共4页 Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry
关键词 水力旋流器 油水分离 双流体模型 数值模拟 Hydrocyclone Oil water separation Two-fluid model Numerical simulati
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