去谷歌从事“射月”研究的秘密实验室一探究竟 在一场难得的公开演说里,谷歌公司首席执行官拉里·佩奇一度建议科技产业需要“可让我们试验新事物的安全处所”而不受规范的牵制或干预。有些人认为他说的是一种未来幻想。
n a rare public speech, Google Inc. CEO Larry Page once suggested the tech industry needs "safe places where we can try out new things" without rules or interference. Some people thought he was describing a futuristic fantasy. But Page already has the next best thing in Google X, the secretive skunk works where company scientists get plenty of resources and free rein to work on things like self-driving cars, Internet-connected balloons and flying power generators.