国际电联(ITU)标准ITU-T L.1200规定了在电信和数据通信(ICT)设备输入端,高达400VDC的直流供电接口及其正常电压范围(260VDC-400VDC)。我国当前研究试验和推广应用的240VDC高压直流供电系统的正常电压范围(192VDC-288VDC)偏低偏窄,或应在有限的时间内过渡到ITU建议的目标电压范围。本文介绍ITU对高达400VDC的直流供电接口的要求、供电系统结构、接地系统设计考虑和ICT设备抗干扰试验要求。
International telecommunication union (ITU) standard of ITU-T L. 1200 Specifies direct current power feeding interface up to 400 VDC at the input to telecommunication and datacom (ICT) equipment. It also describes the normal voltage range (260VDC-400VDC).The normal voltage range (192VDC-288VDC) of 240V high voltage direct current power feeding system which is being developing and using in China is lower and narrower. It should probably migrate to the target voltage range recommended by ITU in limited time.This paper describes specifications of up to 400VDc direct current power feeding interface,architecture of power feeding systems, design consideration of grounding system and immunity test requirement for ICT equipment.
The World of Power Supply