
文献计量学研究-《中华儿科杂志》刊载的中华医学会儿科学分会各学组发文及被引统计 被引量:2

An analysis of articles published by academic groups in pediatrics in Chinese Journal of Pediatrics and their citations
摘要 目的统计分析《中华儿科杂志》刊载的中华医学会儿科学分会各专业学组(以下简称“学组”)发文情况、被引情况等文献指标,揭示学组发文在该刊中的学术地位及其对儿科临床的指导作用和意义。 Objective To explore academic significance and guiding function played by subspeciahy groups of the Society of Pediatrics, Chinese Medical Association on Chinese pediatric clinical practice through a statistical analysis of the articles published by the subspeeiahy groups. Method Bibliometric methods were used to analyze the number of articles, article types, total citations, highly cited articles and the distribution of citing journals. Result Totally 7 156 articles were published in Chinese Journal of Pediatrics from 1993 ( 31 ) to 2012 ( 51 ), of which 187 by subspeciahy groups of pediatrics (2.6%), with a total citations of 11 985. Among them, 137 articles were cited with a citation rate of 73.3% and average citations for each article was 64.1. Articles classified as clinical guidelines had been totally cited for 10 900 times with average citations of 123.86 per article. The article on Neonatal hypoxic ischemie encephalopathy diagnosis and clinical index was cited 1 791 times ranked in highly cited literatures. All the top three cited literature periodicals were core journals of pediatrics, and 10 periodicals among the top 20 were in pediatrics and the rest in other medical fields. Conclusion The number of the articles published by the subspecialty groups of pediatrics was increasing year by year though the portion it in the total number of the articles in the journal was not large. However, the citation frequency of the articles by the subspecialty groups of pediatrics was high, making an obvious contribution to the total citations of Chinese Journal of Pediatrics. The total citation rate of clinical guideline articles and their average rate was higher than those of other articles published in this journal, which meant that this type of articles provided academic references with guiding significance for clinical practice of pediatrics and for other medical fields as well.
出处 《中华儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期630-633,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
基金 中国图书馆学会医院图书馆委员会研究项目(Ytwjjll011)
关键词 文献计量 儿科学 专业学组 引证文献 Bibliometrics Pediatrics Society of pediatrics Cited reference
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