目的了解广东省清远市疑似预防接种异常反应(AEFI)的发生特征,评价AEFI信息管理系统运转情况及预防接种安全性。方法采用描述流行病学方法对清远市2009—2012年报告的AEFI数据进行统计分析。结果2009—2012年清远市共报告AEFI 553例,年均发生率为7.6/10万,以一般反应为主(72.33%);AEFI监测县区覆盖率、48 h内及时报告率和调查率、个案调查表完整率等运转指标均明显提高;发生时间以3、9、11月份居多(占40.87%),人群以≤2岁婴幼儿为主(占60.58%),接种后1 d内发生AEFI占85.90%;发生率较高的疫苗主要为23价肺炎球菌多糖疫苗、甲型H1N1流感病毒裂解疫苗、b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗、麻疹风疹联合减毒活疫苗、吸附白破联合疫苗、吸附百白破联合疫苗(占46.84%)。结论清远市AEFI集中在小年龄组及接种早期。疫苗的安全性和预防接种服务质量良好。AEFI监测的完整性和敏感性逐年提高。为减少预防接种后不良事件的发生,提高AEFI监测敏感性,须进一步规范预防接种工作,提高预防接种质量,加强AEFI监测。
Objective To know the features of adverse events following immunization( AEFI) in Qingyuan city,evaluate the working status of the AEFI information management system and the safety of vaccination. Methods AEFI data was collected through the national AEFI information management system,and using the descriptive epidemilogic method analysed these data which had been reported from 2009 to 2012 in Qingyuan city. Result 553 cases of AEFI were reported, the incidence was 7. 6 /100 000,take the general reaction as the dominant reaction,it accounted for 72. 33%; The operation indexes,such as AEFI monitoring area coverage rate,timely report and investigation rates within 48 hours and the individual case questionnaire completion rates have got the significant increasement. The month of occurred AEFI was mainly in March,September and November,accounted for 40. 87%,AEFI mainly occurred in children aged 2 years old and below( 60. 58%). The children occurred AEFI within 1 day after inoculation accounted for 85. 90%. The pneumococcal,flu, measles-rubella,diphtheria-tetanus and DTwP vaccines are the higher reaction rate. Conclusion AEFI occurred in young children and in the early inoculation. The vaccines are of the good safety and the quality of vaccination is excellent. In order to reduce the AEFI incidence and increase the AEFI monitoring sensitivity,it is necessary to further standardise the vaccination work,improve the inoculation quality and enhance the AEFI monitoring.
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
Adverse events following immunization