
脑膜炎球菌疫苗血清学评价的相关研究进展 被引量:3

Progress in related research on serological evaluation of Meningococcal vaccine
摘要 研究证明,脑膜炎球菌荚膜多糖、多糖蛋白结合物以及外膜蛋白等物质都能够诱导产生抗体,帮助保护机体抵御脑膜炎球菌疾病。阐述了脑膜炎球菌疫苗研制过程中特异性抗体的检测方法以及在疫苗效果评价中的意义,指出在脑膜炎球菌疫苗的效果评价中,抗体含量以及功能性抗体活性的检测是重要指标,为疫苗的市场应用提供了依据。 It has been demonstrated that antibodies induced by Meningococcal polysaccharide,polysaccharide-protein conjugate and outer-membrane protein vaccines can provide the protection against meningitis disease. This review will describe main methods of the specific antibody detection and related progress. In the process of the efficacy evaluation of Meningococcal vaccine,antibodies concentration and functional antibody activity are critical indicators for vaccine efficacy,and these researches will provide strong evidence for new Meningococcal vaccine candidates.
出处 《微生物学免疫学进展》 2014年第3期59-65,共7页 Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
基金 国家"重大新药创制"专项(2013ZX09402-302-215)
关键词 脑膜炎球菌 疫苗 抗体 酶联免疫吸附试验 血清杀菌抗体 Neisseria meningitides vaccine antibody ELISA Serum bactericidal antibody(SBA)
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