设计了基于PIC16F877A单片机的无线遥控智能小车,使其具有无线遥控驾驶和自动驾驶两种模式,无线遥控驾驶模式能在300 m范围内对小车进行高精度控制,并能够实现小车的前进、后退、加速、减速、左转弯、右转弯的遥控功能.自动驾驶模式能够实现小车左右避障功能.无线模块采用射频无线收发技术,克服了传统红外遥控的控制范围小、抗干扰性不高的缺点.在小车上还配备液晶显示屏,能实时显示小车的行驶速度、方向、驾驶模式等信息.
The paper designs a wireless remote control smart car based on PIC16F877A MCU. The car operates with two run-modes: wireless remote control run mode and automatic run mode. The wireless remote control run mode is able to make an accurate control within 300 meters with the function of forwardness, backwardness ac-celeration, deceleration, left turn, and right turn .The automatic run mode has the obstacle avoidance in the right and left direction ahead. The wireless control mode adopts the RF technology, which overcomes the disadvantag-es of traditional infrared ray wireless control for the short-distance control and susceptible to interference. The car is equipped with a LCD screen, which displays the current state of the car including run speed, run direc-tion, run mode, etc. The car runs normally and steadily in testing.
Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology