
如何矫正城乡一体化政策的城市偏向——基于1978~2012年省级面板数据的分析 被引量:3

How to Rectify City Inclination in the Policy on Integration of Urban and Rural Areas—Analysis based on the 1978-2012 Provincial Panel Data
摘要 利用中国1978~2012年省级面板数据,对中国城市化路径和城乡在收入、消费以及基本公共服务方面差距的变化进行经验研究,可以发现:首先,在中国集中型和分散型城市化路径对城市化水平的影响方面,人口集聚的集中型路径有助于提高城市化水平。其次,在给定经济发展水平、城市化和政府政策的条件下,城市劳动力市场的所有制分割对城乡收入差距的扩大有一定的影响。再次,虽然城乡收入差距仍然有扩大的潜在趋势,但城乡消费的不平等随着城市化水平的提高不断缩小,只是不同地区缩小的速度不同。最后,在城市化和财政政策对城乡基本公共服务差距的影响方面,城市化和财政政策都具有扩大城乡人均社会保险福利支出差距的效应。 An empirical study of China's urbanization path and the ew)lution of the urban-rural gap in income, consumption and basic public services using 1978-2012 provincial panel data leads to tile conclusion that: firstly, concerning the influence of the centralized and dispersed urbanization paths on the level of urbanization, the centralized path characterized by population agglomeration is more helpful to improve urbanization level; secondly, at the given level of economic development, urbanization and government policy, segmented ownership in the city labor market has certain influence on the expansion of income gap between urban and rural areas; third126 although the urban-rural income gap Inay widen in the fhture, the consumption inequality between them continues to narrow with the rise of urbanization level, despite that the narrowing speed may be different in different areas; finally, in terms of how urbanization and fiscal policy influence the urban-rural gap in basic punic services, both of them can prcy.tuce the effect of widening the urban-rural gap in per capita social insurance and welfare expenditure.
作者 陈萍 李平
出处 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 2014年第14期78-85,95,共9页 Frontiers
基金 国家社科基金项目"城乡一体化进程中的新型城乡形态关系研究"的阶段性成果 项目批准号:10BJY036
关键词 城市化路径 财政政策 城乡收入差距 城乡消费不平等 urbanization path, fiscal policy, urban-rural income gap, urban-rural consumption inequality
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