

Marxism and Innovation Economics
摘要 科技创新和制度创新是整个创新过程不可分割的两个方面,科技创新和制度创新的动态互动推动了经济的发展。西方经济学界自熊彼特之后对创新经济的研究分野为科技创新和制度创新两个支脉,各有侧重又各有不足,两个支脉逐渐融汇于演化经济学思潮。马克思主义经济学是创新经济学的主要渊源之一,马克思主义经济学强调科学技术在经济发展中的重要作用,以及科学技术在经济发展中的内生驱动作用,它重视创新主体,企业的重要作用,融合了科技创新和制度创新,马克思主义的生产力和生产关系矛盾运动具体体现在科技创新和制度创新的矛盾运动推动经济发展的过程中。马克思主义作为创新经济学的重要渊源,对中国的经济发展和创新型国家建设具有重大的启示和指导作用。 Science and technology innovation and institutional innovation are two integral parts of the successful innovation process. The dynamic interaction of science and technology innovation and institutional innovation promotes the economic development. After Jcscph Schumpeter's work, the study on innovation economies in western economics branches into two departed fields, namely, science and technology innovation and institutional innovation, each of which focuses on one cer',ain point and has inevitable shortcomings of its own. Two independent fields gradually flow into one stream, evolutionary economics trend. Marxist economics is one key source of innovation economics. Marxist economics pays a special attention on the important role of science and technology in economic development. It recognizes that science and technology are the endogenous drive of economic development. Marxist economics pays heed on the enterprise, which is the main force of inno- vation. Marxism combines the science and technology innovation and institutional innovation. The contradiction movement of the productive forces and production relations is vividly reflected in the process of the contradiction movement of science and technology innovation and institutional innovation promoting the economic development. As the main source of innovation economies, Marxism is revelatory and instructive for China' s economic development and the innovative national construction.
作者 杨朝辉
出处 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2014年第4期40-42,共3页 Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University
关键词 马克思主义 创新经济学 科技创新 制度创新 创新主体 Marxism innovation economics science and technology innovation institutional innovation main force of innovation
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