
当代国际体系权力模式问题探析 被引量:3

Explorations on the Issues of Contemporary International System Powers Pattern
摘要 权力模式问题是国际关系研究中的一个重大理论与现实问题。权力模式形成于行为体间的互动关系之中,特定的权力模式,建构起国际行为体间特定的关系形态,从而实现了国际体系中权力与生产性要素的分布态势与流动模式。无论是宏观体系运行的态势还是微观行为体互动的结果,对权力模式的理解与分析都可以成为透视国际政治迷局的重要的理论钥匙。在国际关系理论谱系中,传统现实主义与国际关系发展进程中根深蒂固的冲突传统与零和观念相对接,在权力来源、权力归属、行为逻辑与体系效应等方面形成了一整套相对成熟的有关权力模式的假说和论断。新自由主义以制度为中介、建构主义以观念进行逻辑推演,构建了行为体间新颖的权力形态。虽然它们在行为体的界定方面各有侧重,但都将结构(或体系)视为一种宏观抽象的背景性因素,有意无意地淡化了体系的根本属性,即将体系看做一种具体的、历史的政治过程、观念过程与生产过程。 The power pattern is major issue in the study of international politics,both theoretically and practically.Certain power patterns,which are derived from the interactions of international actors,construct certain types of relations among actors,and thus bring about the distribution and transformation of elements of power and productivity in the international system. When it comes to the comprehension and perception of the international system,the power pattern could be an useful analytical tool,both to perceive the system operation situation at macro level and to predict the outcome of interactions at micro level. In the spectrum of theories of international relations,classic realism,which is deeply rooted in a history occupied by impulses for conflicts and zero-sum ideas,has developed a set of relatively mature hypothesis and judgments about power patterns,such as powers' sources,legitimacy,behavioral logic and systematic effects. We can see brand new types of power patterns in the conceptual world of neo-liberalism and constructivism,of which the former takes international institution as an intermediary of reasoning and the latter makes ideas and perceptions keen analytical tools. Although different theories tend to emphasize different aspects of the concept 'international actors',they all take the international structure( system) as a macroscopic,abstract,background factor,which leads to the neglect of its essence-a concrete,historical process of politics,ideas and production. The power pattern of international system is a comprehensive and profound topic. Confined to our insight,knowledge and experience,this study seeks to explain the powers and power relations in the context of a space-time environment of a changed and changing productive force.
作者 黄凤志 许宁
出处 《吉林大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期81-89,173,共9页 Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(13AGJ003)
关键词 国际体系 权力模式 权力变迁 体系效应 international system power pattern power alteration mode transformation
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