
恰当使用学习策略获取良好远程体验:基于问卷调查的定量分析 被引量:5

Employing Appropriate Learning Strategies to Enhance Distance Learning Experience: A Quantitative Analysis Based on Questionnaire Survey
摘要 远程教育中必不可少的学习自治使策略的使用成为必然,培养学生使用策略的能力以获得更好的学习成果被考虑为学习支持的一部分。学习支持者和学生本人只有明晰学习策略的有效性和适用状况,才有可能进一步探讨它在使用上的注意事项。本研究采用问卷调查的方法,对学习策略在六大远程学习行为中的使用程度做了调查。结果发现:学生在策略使用的方法和能力上存在很大差异、远程学习中的普遍问题并不都同时存在、策略使用在获取理想学习体验上有显著正向作用等。基于这些研究结果,本文建议:施教机构的支持团队应该帮助学生理解学习策略的灵活性、知识性、主动性,调动学生对知识的好奇心和求知欲,以激发他们创造性使用策略的愿望,这也是提高学习体验,保障教学质量的有效手段。 Autonomy is essential in distance learning, which in turn necessitates use of learning strategies. It is because of this that strategy training is regarded as part of learner support to enhance learning outcomes. It is argued that unless both learner support staff and students are clear about the usefulness and appropriateness of a strategy there is no point in exploring its actual use. Adopting the research instrument of questionnaire survey, this study set out to investigate the extent to which learning strategies are used in six categories of distance learning behaviors. Findings from the survey include 1) there is considerable disparity in the way in which and the extent to which learning strategies are used among the participants; 2) some issues prevalent in distance education such as loneliness are not equally widespread among the participants; and 3) use of strategies has a significant positive correlation with ideal learning experience. Informed by the findings, suggestions are discussed in relation to effective support of learning strategy use.
作者 郭淑婷
出处 《中国远程教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第15期15-20,28,共7页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
关键词 学习策略 学习体验 相关性检验 learning strategy learning experience correlation test
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